The road to [premium] digital video first advertising
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Mark Frain Justin Lebbon

Mark Frain predicts the tipping point when his buying customers will pursue a digital video first planning strategy, and explains how Foxtel Media is preparing the ground. He argues that the television industry has a duty to ensure there is sufficient streaming inventory (with high attention rates in watchable environments), and streaming reach, to guarantee the same effective reach for marketers as they have enjoyed traditionally via linear. If we fail in this task, do we risk a reach or effectiveness crisis, with buyers either unwilling to follow audiences into digital media that generates less profit for brands, or following anyway at the expense of effectiveness margins? This discussion focuses on effective linear reach replacement made easy (for buyers). You will hear how Foxtel Media grew its digital inventory 15-fold in four years, with streaming hours up 16% year-on-year, and how it is moving towards a single digital trade made easy, and a holistic cross-platform planning and measurement environment.

Location Name
Hall One
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Kings Place
90 York Way
London N1 9AG
United Kingdom